Thursday 1 April 2010

Bussines E-Mail.

Here I will take you through on how to campose a bussiness letter.

1. Address your recipient by name in your salutation
2. Always include a subject in your message, and make it as specific as possible.
3. Write in complete sentences.
4. Be concise.
5. Pay special attention to how you articulate your message when addressing sensitive issues.
6. Avoid writing in all caps and using too many exclamation points.
7. Use CCs(paper) sparingly.
8. Spell-check and proofread before sending.
9. Use a standard signature with every email.

To run a programm at a certain time go to Control Panel and select task scheduler and there find your program and set a daily, montly or weekly task. once you finished click OK.

Here is a helpfull thread on a forum

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